Hydrogen energy involves using hydrogen gas (H2) as a clean and versatile energy carrier, capable of storing and delivering energy in the form of electricity or heat. Hydrogen can be produced through various methods, with renewable hydrogen being generated by electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources like solar, wind, or hydropower. Once produced, hydrogen can be stored, transported, and used in fuel cells to generate electricity or as a fuel for transportation and industrial processes. When hydrogen is used in a fuel cell or burned, the only byproduct is water, making it a sustainable and emissions-free alternative to fossil fuels. As hydrogen technology advances and costs decrease, it has the potential to become a crucial component of a future low-carbon energy system, supporting grid stability, sector coupling, and emissions reduction across various industries.
On the surface, RE:WIRED is a renewable energy, tech, innovation, and sustainability blog. Below the surface, we are writing about the interconnectivity of everything, people to the environment, the economy, and back to people. Our goal is to create a viable and sustainable future full of abundance, which can be achieved only through education and collaboration.
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